—Team 4chan (uptime? what\'s that?)'); } } include_once "./yotsuba_config.php"; include("./postfilter.php"); include("./ads.php"); define('SQLLOGBAN', 'banned_users'); //Table (NOT DATABASE) used for holding banned users define('SQLLOGMOD', 'mod_users'); //Table (NOT DATABASE) used for holding mod users define('SQLLOGDEL', 'del_log'); //Table (NOT DATABASE) used for holding deletion log if(BOARD_DIR == 'test') { ini_set('display_errors', 1); } extract($_POST); extract($_GET); extract($_COOKIE); $id = intval($id); if(array_key_exists('upfile',$_FILES)) { $upfile_name=$_FILES["upfile"]["name"]; $upfile=$_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"]; } else { $upfile_name=$upfile=''; } $path = realpath("./").'/'.IMG_DIR; ignore_user_abort(TRUE); if(WORD_FILT&&file_exists("wf.php")){include_once("wf.php");} if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) include_once '/www/global/plugins/broomcloset.php'; //mysql_board_connect(); // truncate $str to $max_lines lines and return $str and $abbr // where $abbr = whether or not $str was actually truncated function abbreviate($str,$max_lines) { if(!defined('MAX_LINES_SHOWN')) { if(defined('BR_CHECK')) { define('MAX_LINES_SHOWN', BR_CHECK); } else { define('MAX_LINES_SHOWN', 20); } $max_lines = MAX_LINES_SHOWN; } $lines = explode("
", $str); if(count($lines) > $max_lines) { $abbr = 1; $lines = array_slice($lines, 0, $max_lines); $str = implode("
", $lines); } else { $abbr = 0; } //close spans after abbreviating //XXX will not work with more html - use abbreviate_html from shiichan $str .= str_repeat("", substr_count($str, "', $lineparts[0]); $date = $dateparts[1]; $date = "
  • Blotter updated: $date"; } else { $date = $lineparts[0]; $date = "
  • Blotter updated: $date"; } } $line = trim($line); $line = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $line); $line = str_replace("'", "\'", $line); $ret .= "'
  • $line'+\n"; } $ret .= "''"; $cache = array($date,$ret); return array($date,$ret); } // insert into the rapidsearch queue function rapidsearch_insert($board, $no, $body) { $board = mysql_real_escape_string($board); $no = (int)$no; $body = mysql_real_escape_string($body); mysql_global_do("INSERT INTO rs.rsqueue (`board`,`no`,`ts`,`com`) VALUES ('$board',$no,NOW(),'$body')"); } function find_match_and_prefix($regex, $str, $off, &$match) { if (!preg_match($regex, $str, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $off)) return FALSE; $moff = $m[0][1]; $match = array(substr($str, $off, $moff-$off), $m[0][0]); return TRUE; } function spoiler_parse($com) { if (!find_match_and_prefix("/\[spoiler\]/", $com, 0, $m)) return $com; $bl = strlen("[spoiler]"); $el = $bl+1; $st = ''; $et = ''; $ret = $m[0].$st; $lev = 1; $off = strlen($m[0]) + $bl; while (1) { if (!find_match_and_prefix("@\[/?spoiler\]@", $com, $off, $m)) break; list($txt, $tag) = $m; $ret .= $txt; $off += strlen($txt) + strlen($tag); if ($tag == "[spoiler]") { $ret .= $st; $lev++; } else if ($lev) { $ret .= $et; $lev--; } } $ret .= substr($com, $off, strlen($com)-$off); $ret .= str_repeat($et, $lev); return $ret; } //rebuild the bans in array $boards function rebuild_bans($boards) { $cmd = "nohup /usr/local/bin/suid_run_global bin/rebuildbans $boards >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; exec($cmd); } function append_ban($board, $ip) { $cmd = "nohup /usr/local/bin/suid_run_global bin/appendban $board $ip >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; exec($cmd); } // check whether the current user can perform $action (on $no, for some actions) // board-level access is cached in $valid_cache. function valid($action='moderator', $no=0){ static $valid_cache; // the access level of the user $access_level = array('none' => 0, 'janitor' => 1, 'janitor_this_board' => 2, 'moderator' => 5, 'manager' => 10, 'admin' => 20); if(!isset($valid_cache)) { $valid_cache = $access_level['none']; if(isset($_COOKIE['4chan_auser'])&&isset($_COOKIE['4chan_apass'])){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['4chan_auser']); $pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_COOKIE['4chan_apass']); } if($user&&$pass) { $result=mysql_global_call("SELECT allow,deny FROM ".SQLLOGMOD." WHERE username='$user' and password='$pass'"); list($allow,$deny) = mysql_fetch_row($result); mysql_free_result($result); if($allow) { $allows = explode(',', $allow); $seen_janitor_token = false; // each token can increase the access level, // except that we only know that they're a moderator or a janitor for another board // AFTER we read all the tokens foreach($allows as $token) { if($token == 'janitor') $seen_janitor_token = true; else if($token == 'manager' && $valid_cache < $access_level['manager']) $valid_cache = $access_level['manager']; else if($token == 'admin' && $valid_cache < $access_level['admin']) $valid_cache = $access_level['admin']; else if(($token == BOARD_DIR || $token == 'all') && $valid_cache < $access_level['janitor_this_board']) $valid_cache = $access_level['janitor_this_board']; // or could be moderator, will be increased in next step } // now we can set moderator or janitor status if(!$seen_janitor_token) { if($valid_cache < $access_level['moderator']) $valid_cache = $access_level['moderator']; } else { if($valid_cache < $access_level['janitor']) $valid_cache = $access_level['janitor']; } if($deny) { $denies = explode(',', $deny); if(in_array(BOARD_DIR,$denies)) { $valid_cache = $access_level['none']; } } } } } switch($action) { case 'moderator': return $valid_cache >= $access_level['moderator']; case 'textonly': return $valid_cache >= $access_level['moderator']; case 'janitor_board': return $valid_cache >= $access_level['janitor']; case 'delete': if($valid_cache >= $access_level['janitor_this_board']) { return true; } // if they're a janitor on another board, check for illegal post unlock else if($valid_cache >= $access_level['janitor']) { $query=mysql_global_do("SELECT COUNT(*) from reports WHERE board='".BOARD_DIR."' AND no=$no AND cat=2"); $illegal_count = mysql_result($query, 0, 0); mysql_free_result($query); return $illegal_count >= 3; } case 'reportflood': return $valid_cache >= $access_level['janitor']; case 'floodbypass': return $valid_cache >= $access_level['moderator']; default: // unsupported action return false; } } function sticky_post($no, $position) { global $log; log_cache(); $post_sticknum="202701010000".sprintf("%02d",$position); $log[$no]['root'] = $post_sticknum; $log[$no]['sticky'] = '1'; mysql_board_call('UPDATE '.SQLLOG." SET sticky='1'". ", root='".$post_sticknum."'". " WHERE no='".mysql_real_escape_string($no)."'"); } function permasage_post($no) { global $log; log_cache(); $log[$no]['permasage'] = '1'; mysql_board_call('UPDATE '.SQLLOG." SET permasage='1'". " WHERE no='".mysql_real_escape_string($no)."'"); } function rebuildqueue_create_table() { $sql = << [ data ] //mysql_board_call("SET read_buffer_size=1048576"); $mysql_unbuffered_reads = 1; //$query = mysql_board_call("SELECT * FROM ".SQLLOG); $offset = 0; $lastno = 0; //while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { if($row['no'] > $lastno) $lastno = $row['no']; $ips[$row['host']] = 1; // initialize log row if necessary if( !isset($log[$row['no']]) ) { $log[$row['no']] = $row; $log[$row['no']]['children'] = array(); } else { // otherwise merge it with $row foreach($row as $key=>$val) $log[$row['no']][$key] = $val; } // if this is a reply if($row['resto']) { // initialize whatever we need to if( !isset($log[$row['resto']]) ) // $log[$row['resto']] = array(); if( !isset($log[$row['resto']]['children']) ) $log[$row['resto']]['children'] = array(); // add this post to list of children $log[$row['resto']]['children'][$row['no']] = 1; if($row['fsize']) { if(!isset($log[$row['resto']]['imgreplycount'])) $log[$row['resto']]['imgreplycount'] = 0; else $log[$row['resto']]['imgreplycount']++; } } /*else { $threads[] = $row['no']; }*/ } //$query = mysql_board_call("SELECT no FROM ".SQLLOG." WHERE root>0 order by root desc"); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { if(isset($log[$row['no']]) && $log[$row['no']]['resto']==0) $threads[] = $row['no']; } $log['THREADS'] = $threads; $mysql_unbuffered_reads = 0; // calculate old-status for PAGE_MAX mode if(EXPIRE_NEGLECTED != 1) { rsort($threads, SORT_NUMERIC); $threadcount = count($threads); if(PAGE_MAX > 0) // the lowest 5% of maximum threads get marked old for($i = floor(0.95*PAGE_MAX*PAGE_DEF); $i < $threadcount; $i++) { if(!$log[$threads[$i]]['sticky'] && EXPIRE_NEGLECTED != 1) $log[$threads[$i]]['old'] = 1; } else { // threads w/numbers below 5% of LOG_MAX get marked old foreach($threads as $thread) { if($lastno-LOG_MAX*0.95>$thread) if(!$log[$thread]['sticky']) $log[$thread]['old'] = 1; } } } $ipcount = count($ips); //} // deletes a post from the database // imgonly: whether to just delete the file or to delete from the database as well // automatic: always delete regardless of password/admin (for self-pruning) // children: whether to delete just the parent post of a thread or also delete the children // die: whether to die on error // careful, setting children to 0 could leave orphaned posts. function delete_post($resno, $pwd, $imgonly=0, $automatic=0, $children=1, $die=1) { global $log, $path; log_cache(); $resno = intval($resno); // get post info if(!isset($log[$resno])){if ($die) error("Can't find the post $resno.");} $row=$log[$resno]; // check password- if not ok, check admin status (and set $admindel if allowed) $delete_ok = ( $automatic || (substr(md5($pwd),2,8) == $row['pwd']) || ($row['host'] == $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ); if( ($pwd==ADMIN_PASS || $pwd==ADMIN_PASS2) ) { $delete_ok = $admindel = valid('delete', $resno); } if(!$delete_ok) error(S_BADDELPASS); // check ghost bumping if(!isset($admindel) || !$admindel) { if(BOARD_DIR == 'a' && (int)$row['time'] > (time() - 25) && $row['email'] != 'sage') { $ghostdump = var_export(array( 'server'=>$_SERVER, 'post'=>$_POST, 'cookie'=>$_COOKIE, 'row'=>$row),true); //file_put_contents('ghostbump.'.time(),$ghostdump); } } if(isset($admindel) && $admindel) { // extra actions for admin user $auser = mysql_escape_string($_COOKIE['4chan_auser']); $adfsize=($row['fsize']>0)?1:0; $adname=str_replace(' !','#',$row['name']); if($imgonly) { $imgonly=1; } else { $imgonly=0; } $row['sub'] = mysql_escape_string($row['sub']); $row['com'] = mysql_escape_string($row['com']); $row['filename'] = mysql_escape_string($row['filename']); mysql_global_do("INSERT INTO ".SQLLOGDEL." (imgonly,postno,board,name,sub,com,img,filename,admin) values('$imgonly','$resno','".SQLLOG."','$adname','{$row['sub']}','{$row['com']}','$adfsize','{$row['filename']}','$auser')"); } if($row['resto']==0 && $children && !$imgonly) // select thread and children $result=mysql_board_call("select no,resto,tim,ext from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno or resto=$resno"); else // just select the post $result=mysql_board_call("select no,resto,tim,ext from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno"); while($delrow=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // delete $delfile = $path.$delrow['tim'].$delrow['ext']; //path to delete $delthumb = THUMB_DIR.$delrow['tim'].'s.jpg'; if(is_file($delfile)) unlink($delfile); // delete image if(is_file($delthumb)) unlink($delthumb); // delete thumb if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && is_file($path.$delrow['tim'].'.pch')) unlink($path.$delrow['tim'].'.pch'); // delete oe animation if(!$imgonly){ // delete thread page & log_cache row if($delrow['resto']) unset( $log[$delrow['resto']]['children'][$delrow['no']] ); unset( $log[$delrow['no']] ); $log['THREADS'] = array_diff($log['THREADS'], array($delrow['no'])); // remove from THREADS mysql_global_do("DELETE FROM reports WHERE no=".$delrow['no']); // clear reports if(USE_GZIP == 1) { @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT); @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT.'.gz'); } else { @unlink(RES_DIR.$delrow['no'].PHP_EXT); } } } //delete from DB if($row['resto']==0 && $children && !$imgonly) // delete thread and children $result=mysql_board_call("delete from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno or resto=$resno"); elseif(!$imgonly) // just delete the post $result=mysql_board_call("delete from ".SQLLOG." where no=$resno"); return $row['resto']; // so the caller can know what pages need to be rebuilt } // purge old posts // should be called whenever a new post is added. function trim_db() { if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) return; log_cache(); $maxposts = LOG_MAX; // max threads = max pages times threads-per-page $maxthreads = (PAGE_MAX > 0)?(PAGE_MAX * PAGE_DEF):0; // New max-page method if($maxthreads) { $exp_order = 'no'; if(EXPIRE_NEGLECTED == 1) $exp_order = 'root'; logtime('trim_db before select threads'); $result = mysql_board_call("SELECT no FROM ".SQLLOG." WHERE sticky=0 AND resto=0 ORDER BY $exp_order ASC"); logtime('trim_db after select threads'); $threadcount = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result) and $threadcount >= $maxthreads) { delete_post($row['no'], 'trim', 0, 1); // imgonly=0, automatic=1, children=1 $threadcount--; } mysql_free_result($result); // Original max-posts method (note: cleans orphaned posts later than parent posts) } else { // make list of stickies $stickies = array(); // keys are stickied thread numbers $result = mysql_board_call("SELECT no from ".SQLLOG." where sticky=1 and resto=0"); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $stickies[ $row['no'] ] = 1; } $result = mysql_board_call("SELECT no,resto,sticky FROM ".SQLLOG." ORDER BY no ASC"); $postcount = mysql_num_rows($result); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result) and $postcount >= $maxposts) { // don't delete if this is a sticky thread if($row['sticky'] == 1) continue; // don't delete if this is a REPLY to a sticky if($row['resto'] != 0 && $stickies[ $row['resto'] ] == 1) continue; delete_post($row['no'], 'trim', 0, 1, 0); // imgonly=0, automatic=1, children=0 $postcount--; } mysql_free_result($result); } } //resno - thread page to update (no of thread OP) //rebuild - don't rebuild page indexes function updatelog($resno=0,$rebuild=0){ global $log,$path; set_time_limit(60); if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='GET' && !valid()) die(''); // anti ddos log_cache(); $imgdir = ((USE_SRC_CGI==1)?str_replace('src','src.cgi',IMG_DIR2):IMG_DIR2); if(defined('INTERSTITIAL_LINK')) $imgdir .= INTERSTITIAL_LINK; $thumbdir = THUMB_DIR2; $imgurl = DATA_SERVER; $resno=(int)$resno; if($resno){ if(!isset($log[$resno])) { updatelog(0,$rebuild); // the post didn't exist, just rebuild the indexes return; } else if($log[$resno]['resto']) { updatelog($log[$resno]['resto'],$rebuild); // $resno is a reply, try rebuilding the parent return; } } if($resno){ $treeline = array($resno); logtime("Formatting thread page"); //if(!$treeline=mysql_board_call("select * from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 and no=".$resno." order by root desc")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} }else{ $treeline = $log['THREADS']; logtime("Formatting index page"); //if(!$treeline=mysql_board_call("select * from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 order by root desc")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} } $counttree=count($treeline); //$counttree=mysql_num_rows($treeline); if(!$counttree){ $logfilename=PHP_SELF2; $dat=''; head($dat,$resno); form($dat,$resno); print_page($logfilename, $dat); } if(UPDATE_THROTTLING >= 1) { $update_start = time(); touch("updatelog.stamp", $update_start); $low_priority = false; clearstatcache(); if(@filemtime(PHP_SELF) > $update_start-UPDATE_THROTTLING) { $low_priority = true; //touch($update_start . ".lowprio"); } else { touch(PHP_SELF,$update_start); } // $mt = @filemtime(PHP_SELF); // touch($update_start . ".$mt.highprio"); } // if we're using CACHE_TTL method if(CACHE_TTL >= 1) { if($resno) { $logfilename = RES_DIR.$resno.PHP_EXT; } else { $logfilename = PHP_SELF2; } //if(USE_GZIP == 1) $logfilename .= '.html'; // if the file has been made and it's younger than CACHE_TTL seconds ago clearstatcache(); if(file_exists($logfilename) && filemtime($logfilename) > (time() - CACHE_TTL)) { // save the post to be rebuilt later rebuildqueue_add($resno); // if it's a thread, try again on the indexes if($resno && !$rebuild) updatelog(); // and we don't do any more rebuilding on this request return true; } else { // we're gonna update it now, so take it out of the queue rebuildqueue_remove($resno); // and make sure nobody else starts trying to update it because it's too old touch($logfilename); } } for($page=0;$page<$counttree;$page+=PAGE_DEF){ $dat=''; head($dat,$resno); form($dat,$resno); if(!$resno){ $st = $page; } $dat.='
    '; for($i = $st; $i < $st+PAGE_DEF; $i++){ if(UPDATE_THROTTLING >= 1) { clearstatcache(); if($low_priority && @filemtime("updatelog.stamp") > $update_start) { //touch($update_start . ".throttled"); return; } if(rand(0,15)==0) return; } list($_unused,$no) = each($treeline); //list($no,$sticky,$permasage,$closed,$now,$name,$email,$sub,$com,$host,$pwd,$filename,$ext,$w,$h,$tn_w,$tn_h,$tim,$time,$md5,$fsize,$root,$resto)=mysql_fetch_row($treeline); if(!$no){break;} extract($log[$no]); //if(!$resno&&!file_exists(RES_DIR.$no.PHP_EXT)) { updatelog($no); break; } // uhh //POST FILTERING if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { $name = broomcloset_capcode($name); } if($email) $name = "$name"; if(strpos($sub,"SPOILER<>")===0) { $sub = substr($sub,strlen("SPOILER<>")); //trim out SPOILER<> $spoiler = 1; } else $spoiler = 0; $com = auto_link($com,$resno); if(!$resno) list($com,$abbreviated) = abbreviate($com, MAX_LINES_SHOWN); if(isset($abbreviated) && $abbreviated) $com .= "
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text."; // Picture file name $img = $path.$tim.$ext; $displaysrc = $imgdir.$tim.$ext; $linksrc = ((USE_SRC_CGI==1)?(str_replace(".cgi","",$imgdir).$tim.$ext):$displaysrc); if(defined('INTERSTITIAL_LINK')) $linksrc = str_replace(INTERSTITIAL_LINK,"",$linksrc); $src = IMG_DIR.$tim.$ext; $longname = $filename.$ext; if (strlen($filename)>40) { $shortname = substr($filename, 0, 40)."(...)".$ext; } else { $shortname = $longname; } // img tag creation $imgsrc = ""; if($ext){ // turn the 32-byte ascii md5 into a 24-byte base64 md5 $shortmd5 = base64_encode(pack("H*", $md5)); if ($fsize >= 1048576) { $size = round(($fsize/1048576),2)." M"; } else if ($fsize >= 1024) { $size = round($fsize/1024)." K"; } else { $size = $fsize." "; } if(!$tn_w && !$tn_h && $ext==".gif"){ $tn_w=$w; $tn_h=$h; } if($spoiler) { $size= "Spoiler Image, $size"; $imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; } elseif($tn_w && $tn_h){//when there is size... if(@is_file(THUMB_DIR.$tim.'s.jpg')){ $imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; }else{ $imgsrc = "Thumbnail unavailable"; } }else{ if(@is_file(THUMB_DIR.$tim.'s.jpg')){ $imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; }else{ $imgsrc = "Thumbnail unavailable"; } } if (!is_file($src)) { $dat.='File deleted.'; } else { $dimensions=($ext=='.pdf')?'PDF':"{$w}x{$h}"; if ($resno) { $dat.="".S_PICNAME."$time$ext-(".$size."B, ".$dimensions.", ".$shortname.")".$imgsrc; } else { $dat.="".S_PICNAME."$time$ext-(".$size."B, ".$dimensions.")".$imgsrc; } } } // Main creation $dat.="\n$sub \n"; $dat.="$name $now "; if($sticky==1) { $stickyicon=' sticky '; } else { $stickyicon=""; } if($closed==1) { $stickyicon .= ' closed '; } if(PARTY==1) { $dat .= ""; } if($resno) { $dat.="No.$no $stickyicon   "; } else { $dat.="No.$no $stickyicon   [".S_REPLY."]"; } $dat.="\n
    "; // Deletion pending if(isset($log[$no]['old'])) $dat.="".S_OLD."
    \n"; $resline = $log[$no]['children']; ksort($resline); $countres=count($log[$no]['children']); $t=0; if($sticky==1) { $disam=1; } elseif(defined('REPLIES_SHOWN')) { $disam=REPLIES_SHOWN; } else { $disam=5; } $s=$countres - $disam; $cur=1; while ($s >= $cur) { list($row) = each($resline); if($log[$row]["fsize"]!=0) { $t++; } $cur++; } if ($countres!=0) reset($resline); if(!$resno){ if ($s<2) { $posts=" post"; } else { $posts=" posts"; } if ($t<2) { $replies="reply"; } else { $replies="replies"; } if(($s>0)&&($t==0)){ $dat.="".$s.$posts." omitted. Click Reply to view.\n"; } elseif (($s>0)&&($t>0)) { $dat.="".$s.$posts." and ".$t." image ".$replies." omitted. Click Reply to view.\n"; } }else{$s=0;} while(list($resrow)=each($resline)){ if($s>0){$s--;continue;} //list($no,$sticky,$permasage,$closed,$now,$name,$email,$sub,$com,$host,$pwd,$filename,$ext,$w,$h,$tn_w,$tn_h,$tim,$time,$md5,$fsize,$root,$resto)=$resrow; extract($log[$resrow]); if(!$no){break;} //POST FILTERING if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { $name = broomcloset_capcode($name); } if($email) $name = "$name"; if(strpos($sub,"SPOILER<>")===0) { $sub = substr($sub,strlen("SPOILER<>")); //trim out SPOILER<> $spoiler = 1; } else $spoiler = 0; $com = auto_link($com,$resno); if(!$resno) list($com,$abbreviated) = abbreviate($com, MAX_LINES_SHOWN); if(isset($abbreviated)&&$abbreviated) $com .= "
    Comment too long. Click here to view the full text."; // Picture file name $r_img = $path.$tim.$ext; $r_displaysrc = $imgdir.$tim.$ext; $r_linksrc = ((USE_SRC_CGI==1)?(str_replace(".cgi","",$imgdir).$tim.$ext):$r_displaysrc); if(defined('INTERSTITIAL_LINK')) $r_linksrc = str_replace(INTERSTITIAL_LINK,"",$r_linksrc); $r_src = IMG_DIR.$tim.$ext; $longname = $filename.$ext; if (strlen($filename)>30) { $shortname = substr($filename, 0, 30)."(...)".$ext; } else { $shortname = $longname; } // img tag creation $r_imgsrc = ""; if($ext){ // turn the 32-byte ascii md5 into a 24-byte base64 md5 $shortmd5 = base64_encode(pack("H*", $md5)); if ($fsize >= 1048576) { $size = round(($fsize/1048576),2)." M"; } else if ($fsize >= 1024) { $size = round($fsize/1024)." K"; } else { $size = $fsize." "; } if(!$tn_w && !$tn_h && $ext==".gif"){ $tn_w=$w; $tn_h=$h; } if($spoiler) { $size= "Spoiler Image, $size"; $r_imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; } elseif($tn_w && $tn_h){//when there is size... if(@is_file(THUMB_DIR.$tim.'s.jpg')){ $r_imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; }else{ $r_imgsrc = "Thumbnail unavailable"; } }else{ if(@is_file(THUMB_DIR.$tim.'s.jpg')){ $r_imgsrc = "
    \"".$size."B\""; }else{ $r_imgsrc = "Thumbnail unavailable"; } } if (!is_file($r_src)) { $r_imgreply='
    File deleted.'; } else { $dimensions=($ext=='.pdf')?'PDF':"{$w}x{$h}"; if ($resno) { $r_imgreply="
         ".S_PICNAME."$time$ext-(".$size."B, ".$dimensions.", ".$shortname.")".$r_imgsrc; } else { $r_imgreply="
         ".S_PICNAME."$time$ext-(".$size."B, ".$dimensions.")".$r_imgsrc; } } } // Main Reply creation $dat.="\n"; $dat.="
    >>\n"; // if (($t>3)&&($fsize!=0)) { // $dat.="   Image hidden   $now No.$no \n"; // } else { $dat.="$sub \n"; $dat.="$name $now "; if($resno) { $dat.="No.$no"; } else { $dat.="No.$no"; } if(isset($r_imgreply)) $dat.=$r_imgreply; $dat.="
    "; // } $dat.="
    \n"; unset($r_imgreply); } $dat.="

    \n"; clearstatcache();//clear stat cache of a file //mysql_free_result($resline); $p++; if($resno){break;} //only one tree line at time of res } // bottom of a page if(BOTTOM_AD == 1) { $bottomad = ""; if (defined("BOTTOM_TXT") && BOTTOM_TXT) { $bottomad .= ad_text_for(BOTTOM_TXT); } if (defined("BOTTOM_TABLE") && BOTTOM_TABLE) { list($bottomimg,$bottomlink) = rid(BOTTOM_TABLE,1); $bottomad .= "
    "; } if($bottomad) $dat .= "$bottomad
    "; } $dat.=''; if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],".4chan.org")) { $dat.=''; } $dat.='
    Style ['; $dat.='Yotsuba | '; $dat.='Yotsuba B | '; $dat.='Futaba | '; $dat.='Burichan]
    '; if(!$resno){ // if not in res display mode $prev = $st - PAGE_DEF; $next = $st + PAGE_DEF; // Page navigation $dat.=""; if($prev >= 0){ //ok to make prev button if($prev==0){ $dat.=""; }else{$dat.="";} // page listing $dat.=""; if($p >= PAGE_DEF && $counttree > $next){ // ok to make next button $dat.=""; }else{$dat.="";} $dat.="
    "; }else{ $dat.=""; } $dat.=""; $dat.="".S_FIRSTPG.""; for($i = 0; $i < $counttree ; $i+=PAGE_DEF){ if( !(PAGE_MAX > 0) ) if($i&&!($i%(PAGE_DEF*10))){$dat.="
    ";} // linebreak every 10 pages if($st==$i){$dat.="[".($i/PAGE_DEF)."] ";} // don't link current page else{ if($i==0){$dat.="[0] ";} else{$dat.="[".($i/PAGE_DEF)."] ";} } } // continue printing up to PAGE_MAX if we're using that mode... this should rarely happen for(; (PAGE_MAX > 0) && $i < PAGE_MAX*PAGE_DEF; $i+=PAGE_DEF) { $dat.="[".($i/PAGE_DEF)."] "; } $dat.="
    "; $dat.=""; $dat.="".S_LASTPG."

    \n"; } foot($dat); //if($resno){echo $dat;break;} if($resno) { logtime("Printing thread $resno page"); $logfilename=RES_DIR.$resno.PHP_EXT; print_page($logfilename, $dat); $dat=''; if(!$rebuild) $deferred = updatelog(0); break; } logtime("Printing index page"); if($page==0){$logfilename=PHP_SELF2;} else{$logfilename=$page/PAGE_DEF.PHP_EXT;} print_page($logfilename, $dat); if(!$resno && $page==0 && USE_RSS==1) { include_once '/www/global/rss.php'; rss_dump(); } if(UPDATE_THROTTLING >= 1) { clearstatcache(); if(@filemtime("updatelog.stamp") == $update_start) unlink("updatelog.stamp"); } //chmod($logfilename,0666); } //mysql_free_result($treeline); if(isset($deferred)) return $deferred; return false; } /* head */ function head(&$dat,$res,$error=0){ $titlepart = ''; if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { $dat .= broomcloset_head($dat); } if (SHOWTITLEIMG == 1) { //$titleimg = rid('title_banners'); $titleimg = rid_in_directory("/dontblockthis/title/"); $titlepart.= ''; } else if (SHOWTITLEIMG == 2) { $titlepart.= ''; } $include1=file_get_contents_cached(NAV_TXT); $cookiejs="function get_cookie(name){with(document.cookie){var index=indexOf(name+\"=\");if(index==-1) return '';index=indexOf(\"=\",index)+1;var endstr=indexOf(\";\",index);if(endstr==-1) endstr=length;return decodeURIComponent(substring(index,endstr));}};\nfunction get_pass(name){var pass=get_cookie(name);if(pass) return pass;var chars=\"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789\";var pass='';for(var i=0;i<8;i++){var rnd=Math.floor(Math.random()*chars.length);pass+=chars.substring(rnd,rnd+1);}return(pass);}\n"; $cookiejs .= 'function toggle(name){var a=document.getElementById(name); a.style.display = ((a.style.display!="block")?"block":"none");}'; $scriptjs = ''; // set styleswitcher script configuration variables if(DEFAULT_BURICHAN==1) { $scriptjs .= ''; } else { $scriptjs .= ''; } $scriptjs .=''; $dat.=' '; if (RTA==1) { $dat .= "\n"; } $styles = array( 'Yotsuba' => 'yotsuba.8.css', 'Yotsuba B' => 'yotsublue.8.css', 'Futaba' => 'futaba.8.css', 'Burichan' => 'burichan.8.css', ); if (DEFAULT_BURICHAN==1) { foreach($styles as $style=>$stylecss) { $rel = ( ($style == 'Yotsuba B') ? 'stylesheet' : 'alternate stylesheet' ); $dat .= ""; } } else { if(defined('CSS_FORCE')) { foreach($styles as $style=>$stylecss) { $rel = ( ($style == 'Yotsuba') ? 'stylesheet' : 'alternate stylesheet' ); $dat .= ""; } } else { foreach($styles as $style=>$stylecss) { $rel = ( ($style == 'Yotsuba') ? 'stylesheet' : 'alternate stylesheet' ); $dat .= ""; } } } if(USE_RSS==1) $dat .= ''; $dat.=''.strip_tags(TITLE).' '.$scriptjs; if (FIXED_TEXT_AD == 1 && file_exists(FIXED_TEXT_PATH)) { $dat.=""; } $dat .= ' '.$include1; $dat.='
    '; if(LEADERBOARD_AD == 1) { if(defined('LEADERBOARD_TXT') && LEADERBOARD_TXT) { $dat.='
    ' . ad_text_for(LEADERBOARD_TXT) . '

    '; } else if(defined('LEADERBOARD_TABLE')) { list($ldimg,$ldhref) = rid(LEADERBOARD_TABLE,1); $dat.='

    '; } else $dat.='

    '; } } /* Contribution form */ function form(&$dat,$resno,$admin=""){ global $log; log_cache(); $maxbyte = MAX_KB * 1024; $no=$resno; $closed=0; $msg=''; $hidden=''; if($resno){ $closed = $log[$resno]['closed']; $msg.="[".S_RETURN."]\n"; $msg.="
    \n"; $msg.="".S_POSTING."\n"; $msg.="
    \n"; } if($admin){ $hidden = ""; $msg = "


    "; } if($closed!=1) { $dat.=$msg; //form_ads($dat); if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1) { require_once 'oekaki.php'; if($_GET['mode'] != 'oe_finish') oe_form($dat,$resno); else oe_preview($dat); } $dat.='
    '.$hidden.' '; if($no){$dat.=' ';} if((FIXED_TEXT_AD == 1) && $fixedad = ad_text_for(FIXED_TEXT_PATH)) { $dat.=''; } if(FORCED_ANON == 1) { $dat.='' .'
    '.S_EMAIL.''; } else { $dat.=' '; if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_GET['mode'] == 'oe_finish') { require_once 'oekaki.php'; oe_finish_form($dat); } elseif (MAX_IMGRES!=0) { $dat.=''; } $dat.='
    '.S_SUBJECT.''; } if($admin){ $dat.='
    Reply ID [] '; } $dat.=''; if (SPOILERS==1) { $dat.=' []'; }; $dat.='
    '.S_UPLOADFILE.' '; if (!$resno&&NO_TEXTONLY!=1) { $dat.='[]'; } $dat.='
    '; if(FORCED_ANON==1) { // extra spacer to make up for the 2 missing table rows $dat .=''; } if(SHOW_BLOTTER == 1) { list($blotdate,$blotcontents) = blotter_contents(); $dat.=''; } $dat.='
    '.S_RULES; if(!$resno && SHOW_UNIQUES == 1) { $dat.='
  • Currently '.$GLOBALS['ipcount'].' unique user posts.'; } $dat.='
  • '.DONATE.'

    '; } else { // closed thread $dat.="[".S_RETURN."]
    \n"; form_ads($dat); $dat.='
    Thread closed.
    You may not reply at this time.
    '; } if (BANROT_AD==1) { /*if(!$banadquery=mysql_global_call("select url,img from ".BANROTLOG." order by rand() limit 1")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} $banadrow=mysql_fetch_row($banadquery); list($ba_url,$ba_img)=$banadrow;*/ $dat.='
    '; if(defined('TOPAD_TABLE')) { list($topad, $toplink) = rid(TOPAD_TABLE, 1); $dat .= ""; } else { $dat .= rotating_ad_banner(); } /* $dat.=''; if ($ba_url != "") { $dat.=''; } else { $dat.=''; }*/ } if(BANROT2_AD==1) { /* $dat .= @file_get_contents('/www/global/topad.txt'); $dat.=''; $dat.="

    \n";*/ } elseif (BANROT_B==1) { /*if(!$banadquery=mysql_global_call("select url,img from ".BANROT_B_LOG." where DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL 30 DAY) <= installed) ORDER BY RAND() limit 1")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} $banadrow=mysql_fetch_row($banadquery); list($ba_url,$ba_img)=$banadrow; $dat.='
    '; if ($ba_url != "") { $dat.=''; } else { $dat.=''; } $dat.="
    Buy a banner for this board!
    \n";*/ } elseif(NOT4CHAN!=1 && BANROT_AD==1 || BANROT2_AD==1) { //$dat.="
    Advertise with 4chan!
    \n"; $dat.="
    \n"; } if (defined('GLOBAL_MSG') && GLOBAL_MSG!='') { $dat.=GLOBAL_MSG."\n
    \n"; } if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { $dat = broomcloset_form($dat); } } function delete_uploaded_files() { global $upfile_name,$path,$upfile,$dest; if($dest||$upfile) { @unlink($dest); @unlink($upfile); if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1) { @unlink("$dest.pch"); } } } /* Footer */ function foot(&$dat){ global $update_avg_secs; $include2=file_get_contents_cached(NAV2_TXT); /* $dat.=' '.$include2.' ';*/ $dat .="$include2"; if ($update_avg_secs) $dat .= ""; $dat .= ""; } function error($mes,$unused=''){ delete_uploaded_files(); head($dat,0,1); form_ads($dat); //echo "


    ' . $mes . '


    "; $dat .= PHP_SELF2.">".S_RELOAD."

    "; if(BANROT_AD == 1 && !defined('TOPAD_TABLE')) { $dat.='
    '; $dat .= rotating_ad_banner(); if(BOTTOM_AD == 1) { $dat .= "
    "; } } if(BOTTOM_AD == 1) { $bottomad = ad_text_for(BOTTOMAD); if($bottomad) $dat .= "$bottomad
    "; } $dat .= "
    "; foot($dat); die($dat); } /* Auto Linker */ function normalize_link_cb($m) { $subdomain = $m[1]; $original = $m[0]; $board = strtolower($m[2]); $m[0] = $m[1] = $m[2] = ''; for($i=count($m)-1;$i>2;$i--) { if($m[$i]) { $no = $m[$i]; break; } } if($subdomain == 'www' || $subdomain == 'static' || $subdomain == 'content') return $original; if($board == BOARD_DIR) return ">>$no"; else return ">>>/$board/$no"; } function normalize_links($proto) { // change http://xxx.4chan.org/board/res/no links into plaintext >># or >>>/board/# if(strpos($proto,"4chan.org")===FALSE) return $proto; $proto = preg_replace_callback('@http://([A-za-z]*)[.]4chan[.]org/(\w+)/(?:res/(\d+)[.]html(?:#q?(\d+))?|\w+.php[?]res=(\d+)(?:#(\d+))?|)(?=[\s.>>rs/query+string $proto = preg_replace('@http://rs[.]4chan[.]org/\?s=([a-zA-Z0-9$_.+-]+)@i','>>>/rs/$1',$proto); return $proto; } function intraboard_link_cb($m) { global $intraboard_cb_resno, $log; $no = $m[1]; $resno = $intraboard_cb_resno; if(isset($log[$no])) { $resto = $log[$no]['resto']; $resdir = ($resno ? '' : RES_DIR); $ext = PHP_EXT; if($resno && $resno==$resto) // linking to a reply in the same thread return ">>$no"; elseif($resto==0) // linking to a thread return ">>$no"; else // linking to a reply in another thread return ">>$no"; } return $m[0]; } function intraboard_links($proto, $resno) { global $intraboard_cb_resno; $intraboard_cb_resno = $resno; $proto = preg_replace_callback('/>>([0-9]+)/', 'intraboard_link_cb', $proto); return $proto; } function interboard_link_cb($m) { // on one hand, we can link to imgboard.php, using any old subdomain, // and let apache & imgboard.php handle it when they click on the link // on the other hand, we can use the database to fetch the proper subdomain // and even the resto to construct a proper link to the html file (and whether it exists or not) // for now, we'll assume there's more interboard links posted than interboard links visited. $url = DATA_SERVER . $m[1] . '/' . PHP_SELF . ($m[2] ? ('?res=' . $m[2]) : ""); return "{$m[0]}"; } function interboard_rs_link_cb($m) { // $m[1] might be a url-encoded query string, or might be manual-typed text // so we'll normalize it to raw text first and then re-encode it $lsearchquery = urlencode( urldecode($m[1]) ); return "{$m[0]}"; } function interboard_dis_link_cb($m) { $durl = $m[1]; //i don't think this is useful but just in case return "{$m[0]}"; } function dis_matching_re() { global $dis_matching_re; if (!$dis_matching_re) { $boards = file('/www/global/disboards.txt'); foreach ($boards as $board) { list($bn,) = explode("<>", $board); $dis_matching_re .= $bn; $dis_matching_re .= '|'; } $dis_matching_re = substr($dis_matching_re, 0, -1); //lose last | } return $dis_matching_re; } function interboard_links($proto) { $boards = "an?|cm?|fa|fit|gif|h[cr]?|[bdefgkmnoprstuvxy]|wg?|ic?|y|cgl|c[ko]|mu|po|t[gv]|toy|trv|jp|r9k|sp"; $disboards = dis_matching_re(); $proto = preg_replace_callback('@>>>/('.$boards.')/([0-9]*)@i', 'interboard_link_cb', $proto); $proto = preg_replace_callback('@>>>/rs/([^\s<>]+)@', 'interboard_rs_link_cb', $proto); $proto = preg_replace_callback('@>>>/(('.$disboards.')/[^\s<>]*)@i', 'interboard_dis_link_cb', $proto); return $proto; } function auto_link($proto,$resno){ $proto = normalize_links($proto); // auto-link remaining 4chan.org URLs if they're not part of HTML if(strpos($proto,"4chan.org")!==FALSE) { $proto = preg_replace('/(http:\/\/(?:[A-Za-z]*\.)?)(4chan)(\.org)(\/)([\w\-\.,@?^=%&:\/~\+#]*[\w\-\@?^=%&\/~\+#])?/i',"\\0",$proto); $proto = preg_replace('/([<][^>]*?)\\2<\/a>([^<]*?[>])/i', '\\1\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8', $proto); } $proto = intraboard_links($proto,$resno); $proto = interboard_links($proto); return $proto; } function auto_ban_poster($nametrip, $banlength, $global, $reason, $pubreason='') { if(!$nametrip) $nametrip = S_ANONAME; if(strpos($nametrip, ' !') !== FALSE) { $nameparts=explode(' !',$name); $nametrip = "{$nameparts[0]} #{$nameparts[1]}"; } $host = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $reverse = mysql_real_escape_string(gethostbyaddr($host)); $xff = mysql_real_escape_string(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")); $nametrip = mysql_real_escape_string($nametrip); $global = ($global?1:0); $board = BOARD_DIR; $reason = mysql_real_escape_string($reason); $pubreason = mysql_real_escape_string($pubreason); if($pubreason) { $pubreason .= "<>"; } //if they're already banned on this board, don't insert again //since this is just a spam post //i don't think it matters if the active ban is global=0 and this one is global=1 { $existingq = mysql_global_do("select count(*)>0 from ".SQLLOGBAN." where host='$host' and active=1 and (board='$board' or global=1)"); $existingban = mysql_result($existingq, 0, 0); if ($existingban > 0) { delete_uploaded_files(); die(); } } if($banlength == 0) { // warning // check for recent warnings to punish spammers $autowarnq=mysql_global_call("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".SQLLOGBAN." WHERE host='$host' AND admin='Auto-ban' AND now > DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 3 DAY) AND reason like '%$reason'"); $autowarncount=mysql_result($autowarnq,0,0); if($autowarncount > 3) { $banlength = 14; } } if($banlength == -1) // permanent $length = '0000' . '00' .'00'; // YYYY/MM/DD else { $banlength = (int)$banlength; if($banlength < 0) $banlength = 0; $length = date("Ymd",time()+$banlength*(24*60*60)); } $length .= "00"."00"."00"; // H:M:S if(!$result=mysql_global_do("INSERT INTO ".SQLLOGBAN." (board,global,name,host,reason,length,admin,reverse,xff) VALUES('$board','$global','$nametrip','$host','$pubreasonAuto-ban: $reason','$length','Auto-ban','$reverse','$xff')")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} @mysql_free_result($result); append_ban($global ? "global" : $global, $host); } function check_blacklist($post, $dest) { $board = BOARD_DIR; $querystr = "SELECT SQL_NO_CACHE * FROM blacklist WHERE active=1 AND (boardrestrict='' or boardrestrict='$board') AND (0 "; foreach($post as $field=>$contents) { if($contents) { $contents = mysql_real_escape_string(html_entity_decode($contents)); $querystr .= "OR (field='$field' AND contents='$contents') "; } } $querystr .= ") LIMIT 1"; $query = mysql_global_call($querystr); if(mysql_num_rows($query) == 0) return false; $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); if($row['ban']) { $prvreason = "Blacklisted ${row['field']} - " . htmlspecialchars($row['contents']); auto_ban_poster($post['trip']?$post['nametrip']:$post['name'], $row['banlength'], 1, $prvreason, $row['banreason']); } error(S_UPFAIL, $dest); } // word-wrap without touching things inside of tags function wordwrap2($str,$cols,$cut) { // if there's no runs of $cols non-space characters, wordwrap is a no-op if(strlen($str)<$cols || !preg_match('/[^ <>]{'.$cols.'}/', $str)) { return $str; } $sections = preg_split('/[<>]/', $str); $str=''; for($i=0;$i'; } else { // outside a tag $words = explode(' ',$sections[$i]); foreach($words as &$word) { $word = wordwrap($word, $cols, $cut, 1); // fix utf-8 sequences (XXX: is this slower than mbstring?) $lines = explode($cut, $word); for($j=1;$j$_GET,'POST'=>$_POST,'SERVER'=>$_SERVER))); mysql_board_call("INSERT INTO proclist VALUES ('$run','$dump','')"); } } if(PROCESSLIST == 1) { mysql_board_call("UPDATE proclist SET descr='$desc' WHERE id='$run'"); } else { $board = BOARD_DIR; $time = microtime(true); mysql_global_call("INSERT INTO prof_times VALUES ('$board',$run,$time,'$desc')"); } } function make_american($com) { if (stripos($com, "america")!==FALSE) return $com; //already american $com = rtrim($com); $end = '!'; if ($com == "") return $com; if (preg_match("/([.!?])$/", $com, $matches)) {$end = $matches[1]; $com = substr($com, 0, -1);} $com .= " IN AMERICA".$end; return $com; } /* Regist */ function regist($name,$email,$sub,$com,$url,$pwd,$upfile,$upfile_name,$resto,$age){ global $path,$pwdc,$textonly,$admin,$spoiler,$dest; if ($pwd==ADMIN_PASS) $admin=$pwd; if ($admin!=ADMIN_PASS || !valid() ) $admin=''; $mes=""; if(!$upfile && !$resto) { // allow textonly threads for moderators! if(valid('textonly')) $textonly = 1; } elseif(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { // only allow mods/janitors to post, and textonly is always ok $textonly = 1; if(!valid('janitor_board')) die(); } // time $time = time(); $tim = $time.substr(microtime(),2,3); /* logtime("locking tables: ".($resto?'reply':'thread').", ".($upfile?'image':'text')); if(PROCESSLIST == 1 && BOARD_DIR != 'b' && 0) { if(!mysql_board_call("LOCK TABLES ".SQLLOG." WRITE,proclist WRITE")) die(S_SQLCONF.''); } else if(BOARD_DIR != 'b' && 0) { if(!mysql_board_call("LOCK TABLES ".SQLLOG." WRITE")) die(S_SQLCONF.''); } logtime("got lock");*/ $locked_time = time(); mysql_board_call("set session query_cache_type=0"); // check closed $resto=(int)$resto; if ($resto) { if(!$cchk=mysql_board_call("select closed from ".SQLLOG." where no=".$resto)){echo S_SQLFAIL;} list($closed)=mysql_fetch_row($cchk); if ($closed==1&&!$admin) error("You can't reply to this thread anymore.",$upfile); mysql_free_result($cchk); } if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) { require_once 'oekaki.php'; oe_regist_check(); $upfile = realpath('tmp/' . $_POST['oe_ip'] . '.png'); $upfile_name = 'Oekaki'; $pchfile = realpath('tmp/' . $_POST['oe_ip'] . '.pch'); if(!file_exists($pchfile)) $pchfile = ''; } $has_image = $upfile&&file_exists($upfile); if($has_image){ // check image limit if ($resto) { if(!$result=mysql_board_call("select COUNT(*) from ".SQLLOG." where resto=$resto and fsize!=0")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} $countimgres=mysql_result($result,0,0); if ($countimgres>MAX_IMGRES) error("Max limit of ".MAX_IMGRES." image replies has been reached.",$upfile); mysql_free_result($result); } //upload processing $dest = tempnam(substr($path,0,-1), "img"); //$dest = $path.$tim.'.tmp'; if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) { rename($upfile, $dest); chmod($dest, 0644); if($pchfile) rename($pchfile, "$dest.pch"); } else move_uploaded_file($upfile, $dest); clearstatcache(); // otherwise $dest looks like 0 bytes! logtime("Moved uploaded file"); $upfile_name = CleanStr($upfile_name); $fsize=filesize($dest); if(!is_file($dest)) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); if(!$fsize || $fsize>MAX_KB * 1024) error(S_TOOBIG,$dest); // PDF processing if(ENABLE_PDF==1 && strcasecmp('.pdf',substr($upfile_name,-4))==0) { $ext='.pdf'; $W=$H=1; $md5 = md5_of_file($dest); // run through ghostscript to check for validity if(pclose(popen("/usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=nullpage $dest",'w'))) { error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); } } else { $size = getimagesize($dest); if(!is_array($size)) error(S_NOREC,$dest); $md5 = md5_of_file($dest); //chmod($dest,0666); $W = $size[0]; $H = $size[1]; switch ($size[2]) { case 1 : $ext=".gif";break; case 2 : $ext=".jpg";break; case 3 : $ext=".png";break; case 4 : $ext=".swf";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 5 : $ext=".psd";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 6 : $ext=".bmp";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 7 : $ext=".tiff";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 8 : $ext=".tiff";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 9 : $ext=".jpc";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 10 : $ext=".jp2";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 11 : $ext=".jpx";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; case 13 : $ext=".swf";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; default : $ext=".xxx";error(S_UPFAIL,$dest);break; } if(GIF_ONLY == 1 && $size[2] != 1) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); } // end PDF processing -else $insfile=substr($upfile_name, 0, -strlen($ext)); spam_filter_post_image($name, $dest, $md5, $upfile_name, $ext); // Picture reduction if (!$resto) { $maxw = MAX_W; $maxh = MAX_H; } else { $maxw = MAXR_W; $maxh = MAXR_H; } if (defined('MIN_W') && MIN_W > $W) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); if (defined('MIN_H') && MIN_H > $H) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); if(defined('MAX_DIMENSION')) $maxdimension = MAX_DIMENSION; else $maxdimension = 5000; if ($W > $maxdimension || $H > $maxdimension) { error(S_TOOBIGRES,$dest); } elseif($W > $maxw || $H > $maxh){ $W2 = $maxw / $W; $H2 = $maxh / $H; ($W2 < $H2) ? $key = $W2 : $key = $H2; $TN_W = ceil($W * $key); $TN_H = ceil($H * $key); } $mes = $upfile_name . ' ' . S_UPGOOD; } if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) { } else { if($_FILES["upfile"]["error"]>0){ if($_FILES["upfile"]["error"]==UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE) error(S_TOOBIG,$dest); if($_FILES["upfile"]["error"]==UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE) error(S_TOOBIG,$dest); if($_FILES["upfile"]["error"]==UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); if($_FILES["upfile"]["error"]==UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE) error(S_UPFAIL,$dest); } if($upfile_name&&$_FILES["upfile"]["size"]==0){ error(S_TOOBIGORNONE,$dest); } } if(ENABLE_EXIF==1) { $exif = htmlspecialchars(shell_exec("/usr/local/bin/exiftags $dest")); } //The last result number $lastno = mysql_result(mysql_board_call("select max(no) from ".SQLLOG),0,0); $resto=(int)$resto; if($resto){ if (!mysql_result(mysql_board_call("select count(no) from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 and no=$resto"),0,0)) error(S_NOTHREADERR,$dest); } if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "POST") error(S_UNJUST,$dest); // Form content check if(!$name||ereg("^[ | |]*$",$name)) $name=""; if(!$com||ereg("^[ | |\t]*$",$com)) $com=""; if(!$sub||ereg("^[ | |]*$",$sub)) $sub=""; if(NO_TEXTONLY==1 && !$admin) { if(!$resto&&!$has_image) error(S_NOPIC,$dest); } else { if(!$resto&&!$textonly&&!$has_image) error(S_NOPIC,$dest); } if(!trim($com) && !$has_image) error(S_NOTEXT,$dest); $name=ereg_replace(S_MANAGEMENT,"\"".S_MANAGEMENT."\"",$name); $name=ereg_replace(S_DELETION,"\"".S_DELETION."\"",$name); if(!$admin && strlen($com) > 2000) error(S_TOOLONG,$dest); if(strlen($name) > 100) error(S_TOOLONG,$dest); if(strlen($email) > 100) error(S_TOOLONG,$dest); if(strlen($sub) > 100) error(S_TOOLONG,$dest); if(strlen($resto) > 10) error(S_UNUSUAL,$dest); if(strlen($url) > 10) error(S_UNUSUAL,$dest); logtime("starting autoban checks"); spam_filter_post_content($com, $sub, $name, $fsize, $resto, $W, $H, $dest, $upfile_name, $email); //host check //$host = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]); $host = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; //lol /b/ $xff = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"); spam_filter_post_ip($dest); logtime("inserting xff"); if (SAVE_XFF==1&&getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) { mysql_global_do(sprintf("INSERT INTO xff (tim,board,host) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s')", $tim,BOARD_DIR,mysql_escape_string(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"))) ); } // No, path, time, and url format if($pwd==""){ if($pwdc==""){ $pwd=rand();$pwd=substr($pwd,0,8); }else{ $pwd=$pwdc; } } $c_pass = $pwd; $pass = ($pwd) ? substr(md5($pwd),2,8) : "*"; $youbi = array(S_SUN, S_MON, S_TUE, S_WED, S_THU, S_FRI, S_SAT); $yd = $youbi[date("w", $time)] ; if(SHOW_SECONDS == 1) { $now = date("m/d/y",$time)."(".(string)$yd.")".date("H:i:s",$time); } else { $now = date("m/d/y",$time)."(".(string)$yd.")".date("H:i",$time); } if(DISP_ID){ if($email&&DISP_ID==1){ $now .= " ID:???"; }else{ $now.=" ID:".substr(crypt(md5($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'id'.date("Ymd", $time)),'id'),+3); } } $c_name = $name; $c_email = $email; if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1) { // now that the cookie_name and _email are separated, we can modify the real ones $name = $_COOKIE['4chan_auser']; $email = ''; } //Text plastic surgery (rorororor) $email= CleanStr($email); $email=ereg_replace("[\r\n]","",$email); $sub = CleanStr($sub); $sub =ereg_replace("[\r\n]","",$sub); $url = CleanStr($url); $url =ereg_replace("[\r\n]","",$url); $resto= CleanStr($resto); $resto=ereg_replace("[\r\n]","",$resto); $com = CleanStr($com,1); if(SPOILERS==1&&$spoiler) { $sub = "SPOILER<>$sub"; } // Standardize new character lines $com = str_replace( "\r\n", "\n", $com); $com = str_replace( "\r", "\n", $com); //$com = preg_replace("/\A([0-9A-Za-z]{10})+\Z/", "!s8AAL8z!", $com); // Continuous lines $com = ereg_replace("\n(( | )*\n){3,}","\n",$com); if(!$admin && substr_count($com,"\n")>MAX_LINES) error("Error: Too many lines.",$dest); $com = nl2br($com); //br is substituted before newline char $com = str_replace("\n", "", $com); //\n is erased if(ROBOT9000==1) { include '/www/global/plugins/robot9000.php'; $r9k = robot9000($r9kname,$email,$sub,$com,$md5,ip2long($host),valid('floodbypass')); if($r9k != "ok") error($r9k, $dest); } if(ENABLE_EXIF==1 && $exif) { //turn exif into a table $exiflines = explode("\n",$exif); $exif = ""; foreach($exiflines as $exifline) { list($exiftag,$exifvalue) = explode(': ',$exifline); if($exifvalue != '') $exif .= ""; else $exif .= ""; } $exif .= '
    '; $com .= "
    EXIF data available. Click
    here to show/hide.
    "; $com .= "$exif"; } if(OEKAKI_BOARD==1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) { $com .= oe_info($dest,$tim); } //$name=ereg_replace("◆","◇",$name); //replace filled diamond with hollow diamond (sjis) $name=ereg_replace("[\r\n]","",$name); $names=iconv("UTF-8", "CP932//IGNORE", $name); // convert to Windows Japanese #kami //start new tripcode crap list ($name) = explode("#", $name); $name = CleanStr($name); if(preg_match("/\#+$/", $names)){ $names = preg_replace("/\#+$/", "", $names); } if (preg_match("/\#/", $names)) { $names = str_replace("&#","&&",htmlspecialchars($names)); # otherwise HTML numeric entities screw up explode()! list ($nametemp,$trip,$sectrip) = str_replace("&&", "&#", explode("#",$names,3)); $names = $nametemp; $name .= ""; if ($trip != "") { if (FORTUNE_TRIP == 1 && $trip == "fortune") { $fortunes = array("Bad Luck","Average Luck","Good Luck","Excellent Luck","Reply hazy, try again","Godly Luck","Very Bad Luck","Outlook good","Better not tell you now","You will meet a dark handsome stranger","キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!","( ´_ゝ`)フーン ","Good news will come to you by mail"); $fortunenum = rand(0,sizeof($fortunes)-1); $fortcol = "#" . sprintf("%02x%02x%02x", 127+127*sin(2*M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes)), 127+127*sin(2*M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes)+ 2/3 * M_PI), 127+127*sin(2*M_PI * $fortunenum / sizeof($fortunes) + 4/3 * M_PI)); $com = "Your fortune: ".$fortunes[$fortunenum]."

    ".$com; $trip = ""; if($sectrip == "") { if($name == "" && $sectrip == "") $name = S_ANONAME; else $name = str_replace("","",$name); } } else if($trip=="fortune") { //remove fortune even if FORTUNE_TRIP is off $trip=""; if($sectrip == "") { if($name == "" && $sectrip == "") $name = S_ANONAME; else $name = str_replace("","",$name); } } else { $salt = strtr(preg_replace("/[^\.-z]/",".",substr($trip."H.",1,2)),":;<=>?@[\\]^_`","ABCDEFGabcdef"); $trip = substr(crypt($trip, $salt),-10); $name.=" !".$trip; } } if ($sectrip != "") { $salt = "LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL"; #this is ONLY used if the host doesn't have openssl #I don't know a better way to get random data if (file_exists(SALTFILE)) { #already generated a key $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE); } else { system("openssl rand 448 > '".SALTFILE."'",$err); if ($err === 0) { chmod(SALTFILE,0400); $salt = file_get_contents(SALTFILE); } } $sha = base64_encode(pack("H*",sha1($sectrip.$salt))); $sha = substr($sha,0,11); if($trip=="") $name.=" "; $name.="!!".$sha; } } //end new tripcode crap if(!$name) $name=S_ANONAME; if(!$com) $com=S_ANOTEXT; if(!$sub) $sub=S_ANOTITLE; if(DICE_ROLL==1) { if ($email) { if (preg_match("/dice[ +](\\d+)[ d+](\\d+)(([ +-]+?)(-?\\d+))?/", $email, $match)) { $dicetxt = "rolled "; $dicenum = min(25, $match[1]); $diceside = $match[2]; $diceaddexpr = $match[3]; $dicesign = $match[4]; $diceadd = intval($match[5]); for ($i = 0; $i < $dicenum; $i++) { $dicerand = mt_rand(1, $diceside); if ($i) $dicetxt .= ", "; $dicetxt .= $dicerand; $dicesum += $dicerand; } if ($diceaddexpr) { if (strpos($dicesign, "-") > 0) $diceadd *= -1; $dicetxt .= ($diceadd >= 0 ? " + " : " - ").abs($diceadd); $dicesum += $diceadd; } $dicetxt .= " = $dicesum

    "; $com = "$dicetxt".$com; } } } $emails=$email; if(ereg("(#|#)(.*)",$emails,$regs)){ if ($regs[2]=="pubies") { list($email)=explode("#",$email,2); if(valid()) { $color1="#800080"; $color2="#900090"; $ma="Mod"; if(stristr($name,"moot")||stristr($name,"coda")) { $color1="#F00000"; $color2="#FF0000"; $ma="Admin"; } $name="".$name; $name=str_replace(" "," ",$name); $name.=" ## $ma"; } $email = ''; /* } elseif ($regs[2]=="munroexkcd") { $name="".$name; $name=str_replace(" "," ",$name); $name.=" ## BlOgGeR"; list($email)=explode("#",$email,2); } elseif ($regs[2]=="netkingdongs") { $name=' !!NETKING...'; list($email)=explode("#",$email,2); } elseif ($regs[2]=="redhammer") { if(!valid()) auto_ban("autobanmenow",$name,"redhammer capcode"); list($email)=explode("#",$email,2); */ } } $nameparts=explode(' !',$name); check_blacklist(array( 'name' => $nameparts[0], 'trip' => $trip, 'nametrip' => "{$nameparts[0]} #{$trip}", 'md5' => $md5, 'email' => $email, 'sub' => $sub, 'com' => $com, 'pwd' => $pass, 'xff' => $xff, 'filename' => $insfile, ), $dest); spam_filter_post_trip($name, $trip, $dest); if(SPOILERS==1) { $com = spoiler_parse($com); } if(SAGE_FILTER==1&&(stripos($sub,"sage")!==FALSE||stripos($com,"sage")!==FALSE)&&stripos($email,"sage")!==FALSE) $email=""; //lol /b/ if(WORD_FILT&&file_exists("wf.php")){ $com = word_filter($com,"com"); if($sub) $sub = word_filter($sub,"sub"); $com = str_replace(":getprophet:",$no,$com); $namearr=explode(' ',$name); if (strstr($name,' ')) { $nametrip=' '.$namearr[1]; } else { $nametrip=""; } if($namearr[0] != S_ANONAME) $name = word_filter($namearr[0],"name").$nametrip; } if(FORCED_ANON==1) {$name = "$now"; $sub = ''; $now = '';} $com = wordwrap2($com, 100, "
    "); $com = preg_replace("!(^|>)(>[^<]*)!", "\\1\\2", $com); $is_sage = stripos($email, "sage") !== FALSE; //post is now completely created(?) logtime("Before flood check"); $may_flood = valid('floodbypass'); if (!$may_flood) { if ($com) { // Check for duplicate comments $query="select count(no)>0 from ".SQLLOG." where com='".mysql_escape_string($com)."' ". "and host='".mysql_escape_string($host)."' ". "and time>".($time-RENZOKU_DUPE); $result=mysql_board_call($query); if(mysql_result($result,0,0))error(S_RENZOKU,$dest); mysql_free_result($result); } if (!$has_image) { // Check for flood limit on replies $query="select count(no)>0 from ".SQLLOG." where time>".($time - RENZOKU)." ". "and host='".mysql_escape_string($host)."' and resto>0"; $result=mysql_board_call($query); if(mysql_result($result,0,0))error(S_RENZOKU, $dest); mysql_free_result($result); } if ($is_sage) { // Check flood limit on sage posts $query="select count(no)>0 from ".SQLLOG." where time>".($time - RENZOKU_SAGE)." ". "and host='".mysql_escape_string($host)."' and resto>0 and permasage=1"; $result=mysql_board_call($query); if(mysql_result($result,0,0))error(S_RENZOKU, $dest); mysql_free_result($result); } if (!$resto) { // Check flood limit on new threads $query="select count(no)>0 from ".SQLLOG." where time>".($time - RENZOKU3)." ". "and host='".mysql_escape_string($host)."' and root>0"; //root>0 == non-sticky $result=mysql_board_call($query); if(mysql_result($result,0,0))error(S_RENZOKU3, $dest); mysql_free_result($result); } } // Upload processing if($has_image) { if(!$may_flood) { $query="select count(no)>0 from ".SQLLOG." where time>".($time - RENZOKU2)." ". "and host='".mysql_escape_string($host)."' and resto>0"; $result=mysql_board_call($query); if(mysql_result($result,0,0))error(S_RENZOKU2,$dest); mysql_free_result($result); } //Duplicate image check $result = mysql_board_call("select no,resto from ".SQLLOG." where md5='$md5'"); if(mysql_num_rows($result)){ list($dupeno,$duperesto) = mysql_fetch_row($result); if(!$duperesto) $duperesto = $dupeno; error(''.S_DUPE.'',$dest); } mysql_free_result($result); } $rootqu = $resto ? "0" : "now()"; // thumbnail if($has_image){ rename($dest,$path.$tim.$ext); if(USE_THUMB){ $tn_name = thumb($path,$tim,$ext,$resto); if (!$tn_name && $ext != ".pdf") { error(S_UNUSUAL); } } if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $_POST['oe_chk']) { rename("$dest.pch",$path.$tim.'.pch'); unlink($upfile); // get rid of the tmp/ entries unlink($pchfile); } } logtime("Thumbnail created"); logtime("Before insertion"); // noko (stay) actions if($email == 'noko') { $email = ''; $noko = 1; } else if($email == 'noko2') { $email = ''; $noko = 2; } //find sticky & autosage // auto-sticky $sticky = false; $autosage = spam_filter_should_autosage($com, $sub, $name, $fsize, $resto, $W, $H, $dest, $insertid); if(defined('AUTOSTICKY') && AUTOSTICKY) { $autosticky = preg_split("/,\s*/", AUTOSTICKY); if($resto == 0) { if($insertid % 1000000 == 0 || in_array($insertid,$autosticky)) $sticky = true; } } $flag_cols = ""; $flag_vals = ""; if ($sticky) { $flag_cols = ",sticky"; $flag_vals = ",1"; } //permasage just means "is sage" for replies if ($resto ? $is_sage : $autosage) { $flag_cols .= ",permasage"; $flag_vals .= ",1"; } $query="insert into ".SQLLOG." (now,name,email,sub,com,host,pwd,filename,ext,w,h,tn_w,tn_h,tim,time,md5,fsize,root,resto$flag_cols) values (". "'".$now."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($name)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($email)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($sub)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($com)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($host)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($pass)."',". "'".mysql_escape_string($insfile)."',". "'".$ext."',". (int)$W.",". (int)$H.",". (int)$TN_W.",". (int)$TN_H.",". "'".$tim."',". (int)$time.",". "'".$md5."',". (int)$fsize.",". $rootqu.",". (int)$resto. $flag_vals.")"; if(!$result=mysql_board_call($query)){echo S_SQLFAIL;} //post registration $cookie_domain = (NOT4CHAN==1)?'.not4chan.org':'.4chan.org'; //Cookies setrawcookie("4chan_name", rawurlencode($c_name), time()+($c_name?(7*24*3600):-3600),'/',$cookie_domain); //header("Set-Cookie: 4chan_name=$c_name; expires=".date("D, d-M-Y H:i:s",time()+7*24*3600)." GMT",false); if (($c_email!="sage")&&($c_email!="age")){ setcookie ("4chan_email", $c_email,time()+($c_email?(7*24*3600):-3600),'/',$cookie_domain); // 1 week cookie expiration } setcookie("4chan_pass", $c_pass,time()+7*24*3600,'/',$cookie_domain); // 1 week cookie expiration $insertid = mysql_board_insert_id(); if($resto){ //sage or age action $resline=mysql_board_call("select count(no) from ".SQLLOG." where resto=".$resto); $countres=mysql_result($resline,0,0); mysql_free_result($resline); $resline=mysql_board_call("select sticky,permasage from ".SQLLOG." where no=".$resto); list($stuck,$psage)=mysql_fetch_row($resline); mysql_free_result($resline); if((stripos($email,'sage')===FALSE && $countres < MAX_RES && $stuck != "1" && $psage != "1") || ($admin&&$age&&$stuck != "1")){ $query="update ".SQLLOG." set root=now() where no=$resto"; //age mysql_board_call($query); } } $static_rebuild = defined("STATIC_REBUILD") && (STATIC_REBUILD==1); logtime("Before trim_db"); // trim database if(!$resto && !$static_rebuild) trim_db(); logtime("After trim_db"); if(PROCESSLIST == 1 && (time() > ($locked_time+7))) { $dump = mysql_real_escape_string(serialize(array('GET'=>$_GET,'POST'=>$_POST,'SERVER'=>$_SERVER))); mysql_board_call("INSERT INTO proclist VALUES (connection_id(),'$dump','slow post')"); } /*mysql_board_unlock(); logtime("Tables unlocked"); */ if(BOARD_DIR == 'b') iplog_add(BOARD_DIR, $insertid, $host); logtime("Ip logged"); if(RAPIDSEARCH_LOGGING == 1) { rapidsearch_check(BOARD_DIR, $insertid, $com); } logtime("rapidsearch check finished"); $deferred = false; // update html if($resto) { $deferred = updatelog($resto, $static_rebuild); } else { $deferred = updatelog($insertid, $static_rebuild); } logtime("Pages rebuilt"); // determine url to redirect to if($noko && !$resto) { $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $insertid . PHP_EXT; } else if($noko==1) { $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $resto . PHP_EXT . '#' . $insertid; } else { $redirect = PHP_SELF2_ABS; } if($deferred) { echo ""; echo "$mes ".S_SCRCHANGE."
    Your post may not appear immediately."; } else { echo ""; echo "$mes ".S_SCRCHANGE.""; } } function resredir($res) { $res = (int)$res; mysql_board_lock(); if(!$redir=mysql_board_call("select no,resto from ".SQLLOG." where no=".$res)){echo S_SQLFAIL;} list($no,$resto)=mysql_fetch_row($redir); if(!$no) { $maxq = mysql_board_call("select max(no) from ".SQLLOG.""); list($max)=mysql_fetch_row($maxq); if(!$max || ($res > $max)) header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); else // res < max, so it must be deleted! header("HTTP/1.0 410 Gone"); error(S_NOTHREADERR,$dest); } if($resto=="0") // thread $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $no . PHP_EXT . '#' . $no; else $redirect = DATA_SERVER . BOARD_DIR . "/res/" . $resto . PHP_EXT . '#' . $no; echo ""; if($resto=="0") log_cache(); mysql_board_unlock(); if($resto=="0") { // thread updatelog($res); } } //thumbnails function thumb($path,$tim,$ext,$resto){ if(!function_exists("ImageCreate")||!function_exists("ImageCreateFromJPEG"))return; $fname=$path.$tim.$ext; $thumb_dir = THUMB_DIR; //thumbnail directory $outpath = $thumb_dir.$tim.'s.jpg'; if (!$resto) { $width = MAX_W; //output width $height = MAX_H; //output height } else { $width = MAXR_W; //output width (imgreply) $height = MAXR_H; //output height (imgreply) } // width, height, and type are aquired if(ENABLE_PDF==1 && $ext=='.pdf') { // create jpeg for the thumbnailer $pdfjpeg = $path.$tim.'.pdf.tmp'; @exec("/usr/local/bin/gs -q -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=$pdfjpeg $fname"); if(!file_exists($pdfjpeg)) unlink($fname); $fname = $pdfjpeg; } $size = GetImageSize($fname); $memory_limit_increased = false; if($size[0]*$size[1] > 3000000) { $memory_limit_increased = true; ini_set('memory_limit', memory_get_usage() + $size[0]*$size[1]*10); // for huge images } switch ($size[2]) { case 1 : if(function_exists("ImageCreateFromGIF")){ $im_in = ImageCreateFromGIF($fname); if($im_in){break;} } if(!is_executable(realpath("/www/global/gif2png"))||!function_exists("ImageCreateFromPNG"))return; @exec(realpath("/www/global/gif2png")." $fname",$a); if(!file_exists($path.$tim.'.png'))return; $im_in = ImageCreateFromPNG($path.$tim.'.png'); unlink($path.$tim.'.png'); if(!$im_in)return; break; case 2 : $im_in = ImageCreateFromJPEG($fname); if(!$im_in){return;} break; case 3 : if(!function_exists("ImageCreateFromPNG"))return; $im_in = ImageCreateFromPNG($fname); if(!$im_in){return;} break; default : return; } // Resizing if ($size[0] > $width || $size[1] > $height || $size[2]==1) { $key_w = $width / $size[0]; $key_h = $height / $size[1]; ($key_w < $key_h) ? $keys = $key_w : $keys = $key_h; $out_w = ceil($size[0] * $keys) +1; $out_h = ceil($size[1] * $keys) +1; /*if ($size[2]==1) { $out_w = $size[0]; $out_h = $size[1]; } //what was this for again? */ } else { $out_w = $size[0]; $out_h = $size[1]; } // the thumbnail is created if(function_exists("ImageCreateTrueColor")&&get_gd_ver()=="2"){ $im_out = ImageCreateTrueColor($out_w, $out_h); }else{$im_out = ImageCreate($out_w, $out_h);} // copy resized original ImageCopyResampled($im_out, $im_in, 0, 0, 0, 0, $out_w, $out_h, $size[0], $size[1]); // thumbnail saved ImageJPEG($im_out, $outpath ,60); //chmod($thumb_dir.$tim.'s.jpg',0666); // created image is destroyed ImageDestroy($im_in); ImageDestroy($im_out); if(isset($pdfjpeg)) { unlink($pdfjpeg); } // if PDF was thumbnailed delete the orig jpeg if($memory_limit_increased) ini_restore('memory_limit'); return $outpath; } //check version of gd function get_gd_ver(){ if(function_exists("gd_info")){ $gdver=gd_info(); $phpinfo=$gdver["GD Version"]; }else{ //earlier than php4.3.0 ob_start(); phpinfo(8); $phpinfo=ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $phpinfo=strip_tags($phpinfo); $phpinfo=stristr($phpinfo,"gd version"); $phpinfo=stristr($phpinfo,"version"); } $end=strpos($phpinfo,"."); $phpinfo=substr($phpinfo,0,$end); $length = strlen($phpinfo)-1; $phpinfo=substr($phpinfo,$length); return $phpinfo; } //md5 calculation for earlier than php4.2.0 function md5_of_file($inFile) { if (file_exists($inFile)){ if(function_exists('md5_file')){ return md5_file($inFile); }else{ $fd = fopen($inFile, 'r'); $fileContents = fread($fd, filesize($inFile)); fclose ($fd); return md5($fileContents); } }else{ return false; }} /* text plastic surgery */ // you can call with skip_bidi=1 if cleaning a paragraph element (like $com) function CleanStr($str,$skip_bidi=0){ global $admin,$html; $str = trim($str);//blankspace removal if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {//magic quotes is deleted (?) $str = stripslashes($str); } if($admin!=ADMIN_PASS){ $str = htmlspecialchars($str); } elseif(( $admin==ADMIN_PASS)&&$html!=1) { $str = htmlspecialchars($str); } if($skip_bidi == 0) { // fix malformed bidirectional overrides - insert as many PDFs as RLOs //RLO $str .= str_repeat("\xE2\x80\xAC", substr_count($str, "\xE2\x80\xAE"/* U+202E */)); $str .= str_repeat("‬", substr_count($str, "‮")); $str .= str_repeat("‬", substr_count($str, "‮")); //RLE $str .= str_repeat("\xE2\x80\xAC", substr_count($str, "\xE2\x80\xAB"/* U+202B */)); $str .= str_repeat("‬", substr_count($str, "‫")); $str .= str_repeat("‬", substr_count($str, "‫")); } return str_replace(",", ",", $str);//remove commas } //check for table existance function table_exist($table){ $result = mysql_board_call("show tables like '$table'"); if(!$result){return 0;} $a = mysql_fetch_row($result); mysql_free_result($result); return $a; } function report() { require '/www/global/forms/report.php'; require '/www/global/modes/report.php'; if($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { if(!report_post_exists($_GET['no'])) fancydie('That post doesn\'t exist anymore.'); if(report_post_sticky($_GET['no'])) fancydie('Stop trying to report a sticky.'); report_check_ip(BOARD_DIR, $_GET['no']); form_report(BOARD_DIR, $_GET['no']); } else { report_check_ip(BOARD_DIR, $_POST['no']); report_submit(BOARD_DIR, $_POST['no'], $_POST['cat']); } die(''); } /* user image deletion */ function usrdel($no,$pwd){ global $path,$pwdc,$onlyimgdel; $host = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $delno = array(); $delflag = FALSE; $rebuildindex = !(defined("STATIC_REBUILD") && STATIC_REBUILD); reset($_POST); while ($item = each($_POST)){ if($item[1]=='delete'){array_push($delno,$item[0]);$delflag=TRUE;} } if(($pwd=="")&&($pwdc!="")) $pwd=$pwdc; $countdel=count($delno); $flag = FALSE; //mysql_board_call("LOCK TABLES ".SQLLOG." WRITE"); $rebuild = array(); // keys are pages that need to be rebuilt (0 is index, of course) for($i = 0; $i<$countdel; $i++){ $resto = delete_post($delno[$i], $pwd, $onlyimgdel, 0, 1, $countdel == 1); // only show error for user deletion, not multi if($resto) $rebuild[$resto] = 1; } log_cache(); //mysql_board_call("UNLOCK TABLES"); foreach($rebuild as $key=>$val) { updatelog($key, 1); // leaving the second parameter as 0 rebuilds the index each time! } if ($rebuildindex) updatelog(); // update the index page last } /*password validation */ function oldvalid($pass){ error(S_WRONGPASS); /*if($pass && ($pass != ADMIN_PASS) ) { auto_ban_poster($name, 2, 1, 'failed the password check on imgboard manager mode', 'Trying to exploit administrative pages.'); error(S_WRONGPASS); }*/ head($dat,0); echo $dat; echo "[".S_RETURNS."]\n"; echo "[".S_LOGUPD."]\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "".S_MANAMODE."\n"; echo "
    \n"; echo "

    \n"; // Mana login form if(!$pass){ echo "
    \n"; echo ""; echo "
    \n"; die(""); } } function rebuild($all=0) { header("Pragma: no-cache"); echo "Rebuilding "; if($all) { echo "all"; } else { echo "missing"; } echo " replies and pages... Go back

    \n"; ob_end_flush(); mysql_board_lock(); $starttime = microtime(true); if(!$treeline=mysql_board_call("select no,resto from ".SQLLOG." where root>0 order by root desc")){echo S_SQLFAIL;} log_cache(); mysql_board_unlock(); echo "Writing...\n"; if($all || !defined('CACHE_TTL')) { while(list($no,$resto)=mysql_fetch_row($treeline)) { if(!$resto) { updatelog($no,1); echo "No.$no created.
    \n"; } } updatelog(); echo "Index pages created.
    \n"; } else { $posts = rebuildqueue_take_all(); foreach($posts as $no) { $deferred = ( updatelog($no,1) ? ' (deferred)' : '' ); if($no) echo "No.$no created.$deferred
    \n"; else echo "Index pages created.$deferred
    \n"; } } $totaltime = microtime(true) - $starttime; echo "
    Time elapsed (lock excluded): $totaltime seconds","
    Pages created.

    \nRedirecting back to board.\n"; } /*-----------Main-------------*/ switch($mode){ case 'regist': regist($name,$email,$sub,$com,'',$pwd,$upfile,$upfile_name,$resto,$age); break; case 'report': report(); break; case 'admin': oldvalid($pass); if($admin=="post"){ echo ""; form($post,$res,1); echo $post; die(""); } break; case 'rebuild': rebuild(); break; case 'rebuildall': rebuild(1); break; case 'admindel': usrdel($no,$pwd); echo ""; break; case 'nothing': break; case 'usrdel': usrdel($no,$pwd); default: if(JANITOR_BOARD == 1 && $mode == 'latest') { broomcloset_latest(); } if(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $mode == 'oe_finish') { require_once 'oekaki.php'; oe_finish(); } elseif(OEKAKI_BOARD == 1 && $mode == 'oe_paint') { require_once 'oekaki.php'; oe_paint(); } if($res){ resredir($res); echo ""; }else{ //mysql_board_call("LOCK TABLES ".SQLLOG." READ"); echo "Updating index...\n"; updatelog(); //mysql_board_call("UNLOCK TABLES"); echo ""; } } ?>